Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The painting of Joseph Wright Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The painting of Joseph Wright - Essay Example The essay "The painting of Joseph Wright" discovers The painting of Joseph Wright. The fright associated with seeing the bird die overcomes one of the children until she shies away from the view. Her father holds her and encourages her to witness the experiment. The man in the front view of the picture seems to engross himself in deep thought and reflection. There appears to be excitement among the youth on how the experiment is progressing. There are two lovers on the left who seem to have little clue on the experiment and are more keen on each other than they are on the experiment. The bird in the flask unifies and focuses the disparate elements of the painting. The painting employs the use of spherical and curved shapes on the glass flask, the objects on the table, and the moon bringing out a sense of perfection. The candle dramatically lights the elements in the painting while the moon adds to this drama by presenting a view of the outside world. There is a skull in a container b arring the candle’s light. The scientist appears to look at the viewer of the painting with a suggesting impression of seeking the viewers’ opinion on whether to continue with the experiment or not. The other people on the painting seem to have less concern for the fate of the bird. The father shows attention to his daughters while the lovers show affection to each other. The boy at the window appears to raise the cage, lower the cage, or to open the curtain in order to allow the moonlight to penetrate.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example for Free

Global Warming Essay Global warming is the increase of Earth’s surface temperature due to the effect of greenhouse gases. The main causes of global warming is the greenhouse effect, fossil fuels in cars, and global emission. Global warming is having an effect on our environment such as rising seas, changes in rainfall patterns, and etc. What we can do to stop this is, lower down emissions, cut greenhouse gases and so on. This paper will focus on what global warming is doing to our environment. The greenhouse effect is one of the things causing global warming. The greenhouse effect is the warming that happens when gases in the earths atmosphere gets trapped with heat. An example of a greenhouse effect is, sunlight passing through transparent windows. The reason it happens is because gases absorb ultra violet heat that is radiated into space. When it is radiated carbon dioxide absorbs this heat and the more carbon dioxide there is in the atmosphere, the air gets warm. If the air gets extremely hot the world will be destroyed because animals and plants will die. Another thing that is causing global warming is fossil fuels in cars. Coals and gas are burned to make electricity, cooking, and warming or cooling our homes. Even though we are using these for our own benefits it is harming our environment and later it will have an effect on us. Fossil fuels are made from remains from other plants, and animals that was buried in the Earth for millions and millions of years. Did you know that a long time ago, that heat and pressure has made these remains into fossil fuels that everyone calls coal and gas? Well today, these fossil fuels are burned so that they can release energy that was stored inside of them. When they are burned the carbon inside of them are released in the air and creates carbon dioxide which is also bad for our environment. Burning petrol’s that are in cars, pollute the air we breathe and is harming both us and the environment but yet we still use it. Global emissions are also one of the things that is causing global warming. Global emission is, worldwide air pollution. Global emissions jumped 3 percent in 2011 which make a huge difference.. There are emissions from factories, greenhouse gases, or global greenhouse emissions. The things that cause global emissions are, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrogen oxides, and hydro fluorocarbons. .This can create smog, and acid rain. Emissions seems to be one of the greatest causes of global warming. This is happening because Earth is surrounded by a layer of gases. Global emissions includes heat creating-gases so when this is released, it rises and becomes trapped by the atmosphere. These trapped gases seem to be responsible for increasing temperatures on Earth. The effect that is having on our environment is rising of seas, changes in rainfall patterns, melting glaciers, spread of disease, warming seas, glaciers shrinking, droughts, and severe rainstorms. Rising sea levels are due to the melting of the polar ice caps, as well as an increase in occurrence and severity of storms and other severe weather events. The cycle of global warming is changing the climate that all living things have come rely upon. Global warming is making the Earth more humid which causes abnormal temperature and because of it, the weather is changing. The temperature of the Earth has raised 0.4 and 0.8 degrees Celsius in 100 years because of global warming. Glaciers are shrinking because the Earth is warming up. When the seas were warming up, the population of planktons decreased. When the Earth spins, the hat spins with it and the Earth is collecting moisture over the seas. Due to these droughts, farmers are having a difficult time planting, growing, and making a li ving. This paper covered on what global warming is doing to our environment. As it had said in the paper, global warming changed Earths climate, causing the weather to change. The temperature of the Earth has raised 0.4 to 0.8 degrees Celsius in the past 100 years. The things that are often affecting the earth is the effect on greenhouse gases, fossil fuels in cars, and global emissions. Global emissions jumped 3 percent in 2011. Since global warming is harming our environment, we can all work together to find a way to help our environment.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Irregularities in Othello Essay -- Othello essays

Irregularities in Othello  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   The Shakespearean tragedy Othello contains various irregularities of time and occurrence which cause the audience to scratch their head in wonder and doubt. Let us analyze some of these shortcomings in this essay.    In the Introduction to The Riverside Shakespeare Frank Kermode explains one of the difficulties in Othello:    Othello murders his wife on the second night in Cyprus. The difficulty, of which Shakespeare was clearly aware, arises from the fact that this leaves no time for her to have had â€Å"stol’n hours of lust,† certainly not to have enjoyed them repeatedly, as Iago alleges. In such allusions to frequent adultery as III.iii.340-43 and V.ii.211-12, Shakespeare slides over from Short to Long Time very successfully; the audience is not invited to consider that Othello is forgetting that Desdemona was not in the same ship as Cassio, and has had no chance since. We accept it as possible for her to have been unfaithful, though we know she was not. (1199)    Consider the basic plot and what a â€Å"house of cards† it is. Without extreme good luck, such a plot would not be possible. A. C. Bradley, in his book of literary criticism, Shakespearean Tragedy, describes the important â€Å"accidents† that befell the antagonist during his deception of the general:    The skill of Iago was extraordinary, but so was his good fortune. Again and again a chance word from Desdemona, a chance meeting of Othello and Cassio, a question which starts to our lips and which anyone but Othello would have asked, would have destroyed Iago’s plot and ended his life. In their stead, Desdemona drops her handkerchief at the moment most favourable to him, Cassio blunders into the presence of Othe... to be moving in the right direction. (329)          WORKS CITED    Bradley, A. C.. Shakespearean Tragedy. New York: Penguin, 1991.    Heilman, Robert B. â€Å"Wit and Witchcraft: an Approach to Othello.† Shakespeare: Modern Essays in Criticism. Ed. Leonard F. Dean. Rev. Ed. Rpt. from The Sewanee Review, LXIV, 1 (Winter 1956), 1-4, 8-10; and Arizona Quarterly (Spring 1956), pp.5-16.    Kermode, Frank. Introduction. The Riverside Shakespeare. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1974.    Mack, Maynard. Everybody’s Shakespeare: Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies. Lincoln, NB: University of Nebraska Press, 1993.    Muir, Kenneth. Introduction. William Shakespeare: Othello. New York: Penguin Books, 1968.    Wilson, H. S. On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy. Canada: University of Toronto Press, 1957.         

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Persuade to Stop Physical Bullying

Physical Bullying Physical bullying is a serious problem, affecting not only the bully and the victim, but also the other students who witness the bullying. Parents, teachers, and other concerned adults and young people should be aware of what physical bullying is and some of the ways to handle it. There are many types of negative physical interactions that can occur between young people, including fighting, practical jokes, stealing, and sexual harassment. These things are not considered physical bullying unless: * The same victim is targeted repeatedly The bully or bullies intend to hurt, embarrass, or intimidate the victim   * The actions occur in a situation with a real or perceived imbalance of power, such as when the bully is stronger than the victim or has a higher social standing In this context, physical bullying can take many forms: * Hitting * Pushing * Tripping * Slapping * Spitting * Stealing or destroying possessions, including books, clothing, or lunch money Physical bullying may also cross the line into sexual harassment or sexual assault.Physical bullying occurs most often at school, though it can also occur on the way to and from school and after school. Middle school is the age when bullying is most common, with almost all middle school students being affected directly or indirectly by bullying. This is an age where young people want more to fit in with their peers, making some students more likely to bully or condone bullying to fit in, while those who don't fit in stand out more as victims.Bullying can also occur in earlier grades, as well as through high school and even into adulthood. Physical bullying is more likely to occur among males, though females may also be the perpetuators or victims of physical bullying. Bullies may have any number of reasons for bullying others, such as wanting more control over others, and wanting to fit in. Bullies are often physically stronger than their victims and have friends who condone their behavior. Students who bully others, however, often have trouble with self control, following rules, and caring for others, and are at higher risk for problems later in life, such as violence, criminal behavior, or failure in relationships or career. Victims of physical bullying are usually physically weaker than the bullies, and also may be socially marginalized for some reason, including weight, ethnicity, or other characteristics that make it harder for them to fit in. Bullying can have serious consequences for the victim, leading to low self esteem, depression, trouble at school, and sometimes even violent behavior.Some signs that a student may be a victim of physical bullying include: * Coming home from school with bruises, cuts, or other unexplained injuries * Having damaged clothing, books, or possessions * Often â€Å"losing† things that they take to school * Complaining of frequently not feeling well before school or school activities * Skipping certain classes * Wanting to av oid going to school or going to school a certain way, such as taking strange routes home from school or not wanting to ride the bus * Acting sad or depressed Withdrawing from others * Saying they feel picked on * Displaying low self esteem * Mood swings, including anger or sadness * Wanting to run away * Trying to take a weapon to school * Talking about suicide or violence against others If a student is a victim of bullying, show love and support to the child and explain that the bullying is not their fault, and that what the bully is doing is wrong. Talk to the victim to find out when and how the bullying is taking place, then talk to teachers and school administrators about the problem.Bullying should always be taken seriously. Don't encourage the victim to fight back. Often the best way to deal with bullies is to avoid them or react as little as possible. Unfortunately, with physical bullying this is not always possible. Staying with a friend or friends or where adults are superv ising can sometimes help deter the bullying. If the victim is struggling with feelings of depression or anger, seek counseling to help them deal with their emotions. If a student is being a bully, tell them that the behavior is not acceptable.All young people should be taught to respect others and that bullying is not acceptable. Parents should talk to their children often about what goes on at school, including their friends and if they ever see or experience bullying. Parents should encourage their children not to support bullying, even by watching it, and to report it if it's happening. Depending on the situation, the student may be able to stand up to the bully, show support for the victim, or at least walk away from the bullying and report it to an adult.Parents of victims or of bullies can also encourage schools to have stronger anti-bullying measures, like anti-bullying campaigns, careful adult supervision of students, zero-tolerance policies, and counseling for students invo lved in bullying. Sources: SAMHSA Family Guide, â€Å"Bullying Affects All Middle School Kids† [online] Nemours, TeensHealth, â€Å"Dealing with Bullying† [online] Consortium to Prevent School Violence, â€Å"Fact Sheet #2: Bullying Prevention† [online] HealthNewsDigest. com, â€Å"Know the Signs of Physical Bullying† [online]

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Thinking About Diversity

The dimensions of cultural diversity are categorized as primary dimensions and secondary dimensions. Primary dimensions are generally considered fixed and involuntary. Age, gender, race, and ethnic heritage would be examples of primary dimensions. People do not have a choice of when they are born and thus their age. Gender, race, and ethnic heritage are also not open to choice. Mental and physical abilities are also usually defined as primary dimensions of diversity. Specific biological functions of the brain can be considered primary dimensions of diversity, but knowledge and education can improve mental ability. It is also possible to improve physical ability to a certain extent by incorporating healthy diet and physical conditioning into one’s lifestyle. Physical ability is listed as a primary dimension of cultural diversity because height, bone structure, and other physical attributes are genetic and not open to choice. Sexual orientation is also a primary dimension of diversity. Secondary dimensions of diversity include attributes that are considered less central to social identity. These dimensions can change based on life experiences. They include where one lives and works, socioeconomic status, education, and religion. Ethnic, Cultural, or Other Groups I Identify With I am a Black female who identifies with the Black community as well as other ethnic groups. I was born and raised in a large metropolitan city. I am a product of my big city upbringing. I believe that being raised in a large city has equipped me to be comfortable in many settings and with people from any group or cultural background. The Black culture and history is very important to my lifestyle. I work with young men and women in the Black community to advise them on career paths and encourage them to make positive life choices. As a woman, I am very concerned with many of the issues that are affecting women. The rise in teen pregnancy is one issue that I address with young women I encounter. Violence against women is also a problem that is prevalent in society. Women continue to be subordinated and discriminated against, and the struggle to change the situation is one of my top priorities. My social circle is made up of professionals who enjoy cultural pursuits such as plays, music, concerts, and charitable activities. Diversity and Inclusion Diversity refers to any mixture of items characterized by differences and similarities, (Harvey & Allard, 2009, p. 11). This definition refers not just to people but also to the differences and similarities of functions or conditions along a given dimension. In identifying diversity in an organization, it is also important to identify the similarities within a group. When management accesses a group of ethnically diverse individuals, if they focus on the similarities a mong them, it will be easier to build common ground and mutual respect. Inclusion is a technique that organizations can use to optimize the benefits of a culturally diverse workplace. Rather than just focusing on cultural diversity as a quota to fill, organizations can use the cultural, ethnic, and experiential differences of employees to add creativity, new ideas, and new strategies. When every individual thinks that he or she is operating in a safe environment, they can be comfortable sharing innovative ideas that may not follow the traditional concepts of the organization. Importance of Workplace Diversity Training Effective workplace diversity training can benefit an organization in many ways. Increased productivity can result when employees appreciate and learn from the cultural or ethnic differences of their fellow employees. Workplace diversity training will increase the emotional intelligence of individuals which will increase their tolerance of differences. Emotional intelligence is awareness of self, managing self, self motivation, awareness of the emotions in others, and managing interpersonal relationships, (Harvey & Allard, 2009). Emotional intelligence and emotional maturity can allow individuals to be open to the possibility of considering differing opinions and strategies. More openness among team members within an organization will increase creativity, cooperation, and collaboration. When cultural and ethnic diversity are successfully managed within an organization, minority employees will feel acceptance and comfort which will encourage them to express innovative ideas without fear of repression or ridicule. The majority employees will be given the opportunity to expand their acceptance and knowledge of different values, beliefs, and opinions. Workplace Culture and Inclusion I have had the opportunity to work in large and small organizations. During high school, I worked in a large department store. There were many races, ethnic groups and ages. The age groups in the workplace were in three categories. There were older workers who had worked in the store for many years and had made it a career. These employees spent most of their free time socializing with each other, such as breaks and lunches. They were generally very friendly and helpful to new employees. The second category was made up of managers ranging in age from about 25 to 40. Most of the managers were college educated and were hired specifically as managers. There were also managers who had started at an entry-level position and worked their way up to management. The third category, which I belonged to, was made up of young high school and college students. This category generally socialized with each other. I do not recall any negative interactions based on race, culture, sexual orientation, or ethnic heritage. Throughout my career I have worked with a variety of ethnic groups, races and ages in a variety of corporate settings. I have always been fortunate to work in very inclusive organizational settings. I have not worked in an organization that discriminated against employees based on their diverse ethnic or cultural backgrounds.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Improving case management for foster care children and famil essays

Improving case management for foster care children and famil essays Improving case management for foster care children and families Over 500,000 children in the U.S. currently reside in some form of foster care. Placements in foster care have dramatically increased over the past 20 years. Despite the increasing numbers, the biggest problem is how to properly utilize case management to create a structured decision making/assessment for developing the initial service plan, reunification assessment for developing the update service plan, Placement, and finally an ongoing care. All this are parts of the major problem in todays foster care system Effective case management includes the following components: 2. Provide a comprehensive assessment of both the child and the family resources 3. structured assessment for developing the initial service plan 4. A reunification assessment for developing the updated service plan 6. Develop a comprehensive foster care plan The first logical step in most foster care agency is placement. Since placement is a vital step, there must be a well planned system in place, whereby the children are immediately placed in appropriate homes. Providing a comprehensive assessment of both the child and the family resources is important, because due to the problems with the current system of foster care case management, the first step to a successful placement is a comprehensive assessment. Children and parents in foster care are mostly invisible in communities and often lack many needed supports and resources. Without a well planned comprehensive assessment of both the child and the family, the needs of the child will be neglected and can lead to the child becoming a runaway. For instance the foster-care system, of which family court is a part, deals with Americas most vulnerable and helpless which are the nations abused, neglected, and abandoned children. With a well prepared comprehensive assessment of both the child and the family...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Informative Essay Sample on London The Basic Information

Informative Essay Sample on London The Basic Information Between 10-40 A.D. Emperor Claudius conquered Britain and integrated it into the Roman Emperium. The Celtic fortress Londinium was conquered by the Romans in the year 43 A.D. With the construction of the first bridge over the Thamse, BILD Londinium got the importance of a junction, and not just the Romans used this bridge on their way up to the north but also local traders. Thus the small settlement developed to a city after Roman pattern, to a centre of culture, administration, military and trade. In 286/287 A.D. Carausius, commander of the Roman Marine rebelled against the Emperor and appointed himself as ruler of Britannia. Londinium became his capital. Then in 449 A.D. , with the decay of the Roman Empire the Romans were driven out of Britannia and Londinium lost its importance for a long period of time.In 604 A.D. Londinium got the capitol of the Anglo-Saxon empire „Essexâ€Å" and changed its name to Lundenwic. Later, 796 A.D., it became the royal residence of the Anglo- Saxons. Between the years 839-1035 London was besieged, conquered and destroyed by the Danish vikings a several times. These attacks stopped one year later  when William the Conqueror conquered Britain and was crowned king in Westminster Abbey which was inaugurated in 1065 BILD. A few years later William signed a Charter which granted London city liberty and self-administration and also The Tower of London was built on his behalf. BILD. Since William, London is regarded as the real capitol of whole Britain.From 1176-1209 A.D. the first bridge of stone in London, the â€Å"Old London Bridge† was built BILD. It lasted up to 1832. Then, in the next century, London revolted against the rule of the monarch and strived after political independence. About the end of the 12th century a own Lord Mayor was elected , in 1351 a own touwn council.In the next centuries London grew steadily and became more and more important. The city was spilling over its walls and it had become home to one in every 20 people living in England. In 1660 the number of inhabitants of London was about half a million, but then the Great Plague reached London in the year 1665 and had disastrous consequences. Almost the half of Londons inhabitants died. BILD One year later the next enormous catastrophe followed : The Great Fire. BILD It raged from the 2nd to the 6th of September in 1666 and burned down 13200 houses and 87 churches. Four fifths of the city were destroyed.The next century brought much changes for London. The rebuilding after the Great Fire meant the moving of the living quarter to the attractive districts of Kensington and Chelsea. To this point of time more bridges were built over the Thamse, a sewage and water supply facilities were built and the streets were paved.In 1750 the Westminster Bridge was built BILD and nine years later the British Museum opened BILD. The following 18th century was to become a century of flourishing and growing for London. The first official census in 1801 counted 860.055 inhabitants. At the end of the 18th century there lived about 7 million people in London. Decisive for this development was the extension of the London Harbour between 1802 and 1828. It was now the bigges harbour in the country. BILD And even more important was. Of course the Industrial Revolution taking place in entire Britain. Also important for the positive development, not only of London but of the whole Empire was Queen Victoria, ruling from 1837 to 1901. She made the Buckingham Palace her  main residence and also the city structure was formed after the â€Å"Victorian Style†. Examples of important buildings of her time are the in 1852 finished Parliament building with the clock tower Big Ben and the Tower Bridge, built between 1886 and 1894. During the first world war the germans attacked London among other things with zeppelins. 2000 inhabitants of the capitol died. The structural damages were minor. The second world war was a very different story. On 7 september 1940 hundreds if German bombers attacked London. Over 25,000 people were killed and lots of cathedrals and buildings were destroyed. BILD About the time after the second world war i will talk in my third point. II. Basic information of London -Size/location: London lies in the London crayonpool at the Thamse about 75 km west of its mouth to the north-sea. The City of London is 2.6  square kilometers large. The centre spans over 303 sk and Greater London is over 1600 sk large. It is restricted by a green belt built in 1935. -Population: More than 7.1 million people can call  themselves â€Å"Londoners†. Almost 80% of them are white. The largest minority form the Indians (5.2 %), followed by the Caribbean (4.4%) and the Africans (2.4%). -Districts/divison : The area of Greater London is composed of Inner London and Outer London. The Inner Region consists of twelve boroughs : Camden, Islington, Hackney, Tower Hamlets, Greenwich, Lewisham, Southwark, Lambeth, Wandsworth, Hammersmith Fulham, Kensington Chelsea und Westminster. Also the administrative almost independent City of London is part of the area of Inner London. The City has its own police department.For the rest of the city cares the in 1829 founded Metropolitan Police, this Metropolitan police is under the control of the Home Office (= Innenministerium). In charge of the medical care is the state welfare service, the â€Å"National Health Service†. Other communal tasks as  education, town planning, housebuilding, waste disposal or local traffic policy are matters of the respective boroughs. But in everydays life the names of the boroughs don’t play an important role. More important for the usage is the geographical name of the respective district one is living o r working in. These are : Camden, East End, Docklands, Greenwich, Lambeth, Southwark, Holborn, Clerkenwell, Bloomsbury, Soho, Covent Garden, St Jamess, Mayfair, Belgravia, Whitehall, Westminster, Kensington, Chelsea, Fulham, Notting Hill. -Administration of London: Until 1986 there was the democratically elected Greater London Council (GLC), at that time with Ken Livingston at the top. But then prime minister Margaret Thatcher abolished the Greater London Council and is thus responsible for the fact, that London as the only big city in the world has no democratically elected local council and no Lord Mayor. -Politics: London is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Furthermore itÃ'‘s one of the most important centres of culture, fincances and trade of the world. The Thamse metropolis is not only the residence of the monarch, but there are also the government the Parliament, the biggest court in the country, the most important authorities, the anglosaxon archbishop of Canterbury as well as a catholic archbishop. -Social matters: The gross income lies at 20.000 euro per year and nose in the average. 6% of all people in Greater London and even 9% in the centre are unemployed. The redundancy is worst in Hackney (over 16%) and Tower Hamlets (about 13 % ) -Traffic: London has 5 airports: Heathrow, Gatwick, City, Luton und Stansted. Trains and undergrounds pass about 800 railway stations : eight special railway stations built in a ring around the city centre serve for the long distance traffic. From these stations trains leave to all regions of Great Britain and to the continent. There are over 8000 buses in London with about 14000 bus stops. 8000 cabs and a unknown number of privat cars are on their way in London every day and cause never ending jams. The 1.3 million commuters make also their contribution to this situation although most of them reach the city by train or underground. Nevertheless, the average speed of cars in the city is about 17 km/h. Recently there was introduced a toll of about 8 pounds. Up to now it has been very successfully and helped to increase the average speed. -Tourism: Every year more than 13 million foreign tourists and about 12 million British visit London. That makes more than 25 million tourists per yeart. 17.2 % of the foreign tourists are Americans, 10.4% are German. The tourists spend together more than 10 billion Ђuros. III. London – a changing metropolis After the 2.World war many immigrants moved to Great Britain, especially to London. To this time they were welcome guest workers. In the 1950s, however, the London harbour lost its importance: the ever-growing trade ships could no longer reach the docks because the water level was too low. What followed was a economic recession. Profound deindustrialisation of the former highly indutrialsed London was the main consequence of this recession. The recession also meant that more than 500,000 people lost their jobs, and many workers of the Lower Middle Class and the Working class were afraid of their jobs. This era in London, which was regarded as very intolerant toward ethnic diversity, was when right-wing radicalism increased. Once known as the melting pot of nations, Great Britain and London became more and more unpopular to immigrants. This turn of events was further enhanced by Margaret ThatcherÃ'‘s Immigration Laws. The English culture and life-style, however, actually enriched the immigrantsÃ'‘ culture. In the 1980s the economy went through a recovery and the economic structure changed to a more service-oriented one. Today nine out of ten jobs in London are in the service area, especially in the bank and insurance business. Currently there are over 500 banks and insurance companies in the City of London, attracted by Margrat Thatchers economy laws. On only a few squarekilometers is one of the largest banking and finance centre of the world concentrated. It offers about about 270,000 jobs and makes London to the finance capitol of the European Union. A good example of the development from an industrialised country to a service sector orientated one is the old harbour of London. After the war there was a slowly decline until 1972, the end of the docklands. But at the end of 70ies they were modernized with enormous costs to the most modern part of London. ThatÃ'‘s why itÃ'‘s called today the â€Å"London of the 21th century†. It is now an office area and there are also numerous luxus accommodations. A symbol of the luxus in London of the 21th is the Canary Wharf Tower, which is 244 meters high. You can order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis or dissertation on London from our professional custom essay writing service which provides students with high-quality custom written papers on any topics.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Facts About Saskatchewan, the Land of Living Skies

Facts About Saskatchewan, the Land of Living Skies The prairie province of Saskatchewan produces more than half of the wheat grown in Canada. Saskatchewan is the birthplace of Canadian medicare and home of the RCMP training academy. Location of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan extends from the U.S. border along the 49th parallel to the Northwest Territories border along the 60th parallel. The province lies between Alberta on the west and Manitoba to the east, and between the Northwest Territories on the north and the states of Montana and North Dakota on the south See map of Saskatchewan Area of Saskatchewan 588,239.21 sq. km (227,120.43 sq. miles) (Statistics Canada, 2011 Census) Population of Saskatchewan 1,033,381 (Statistics Canada, 2011 Census) Capital of Saskatchewan Regina, Saskatchewan Date Saskatchewan Entered Confederation September 1, 1905 Government of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Party Last Saskatchewan Provincial Election November 7, 2011 Premier of Saskatchewan Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall Main Saskatchewan Industries Agriculture, services, mining

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Choose a federal law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Choose a federal law - Research Paper Example This policy paper will identify the history of the Act; trace its implementation, its impact on business and society as well as its strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, the paper will provide some recommendations for future policy makers. The legislation which came to force in 2002, has 11 major elements. The key provisions that this paper will analyze their implementation include Sarbanes-Oxley Sections 302, 303, 401, 404, 802, 906 and 1106. Sarbanes- Oxley was named after its sponsors Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley who were US Senators and Representative respectively. With the implementation of SOX, it became mandatory for top managements to personally certify the accuracy of the information that is provided by their organizations. Between 2000 and 2002, large corporate frauds occurred in various firms due to variety of complex factors. In addition to Worldcom, and Enron as noted earlier, other frauds included Adelphia, Tyco International, and Peregrine Systems. Apart from the conflict of interest that emanated from the frauds, they also resulted into problems during the incentive compensations practices. Through the analysis of the infamous frauds, the pioneers attained the ground for the introduction of the bill leading to the passage of SOX in 2002. According to Senator Paul Sarbanes, the market had problems that resulted to loss of hundreds and trillions of billions in dollars. Some of the notable issues that led to the mega frauds included lack of independence for the auditors, inadequate accountant’s oversight, conflict of interest on the part of stock analysts, weak corporate government procedures, ineffective disclosure procedures and providing low funds to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Before the introduction of SOX, auditing firms which are noted as watchdogs for the investors did not perform auditing or any consulting

Friday, October 18, 2019

Microeconomics Term Paper. Monopoly or oligopoly Essay

Microeconomics Term Paper. Monopoly or oligopoly - Essay Example An oligopoly is an imperfect competition among the few firms and it applies to an industry that has a few competing firms. Each firm competing in this imperfect market has enough power just like the other firms to prevent it becoming a price taker. However, each firm that competes in an oligopoly is subject to inter-firm rivalry to prevent it from viewing the market demand curve as its own. In the modern economies, oligopolies are the dominant market structures that characterize the production of capital and consumer goods and other industrial materials such as steel and aluminum. The U.S. steel industry, for example, experienced the emergence of mini-mills that had lower capital costs in the 1980s. The mini-mills came up as a new industry segment that developed when the US steel industry had declined because of the Japanese competition. Nippon Steel Company, a Japanese firm was created to match the size of steel companies in US and acted as a key factor in the growth of the Japanese steel industry. The Japanese steel industry invested heavily in modern technology that served to increase the steel production by a percentage of 2216 in a period of 30 years between 1950 to 1980. As such, the mini-mills and imports had gained a quarter of the US market each by 1980 forcing many previous steel-based companies diversifying into new markets (Collard-Wexler & De Loecker, 2013). This situation led to several changes in the market. The US government restricted imports to a quarter of the total internal market to save the US steel industry. Other changes that occurred include the investment of $ 9 billion in the increase of technological competitiveness, weakening of stringent pollution control laws and increasing labor productivity by cutting workers wages. The value of the dollar failed and increased import prices discouraging foreign competition. This stabilized the mini-mills to increase their market

Using our data set from Unit 1, compose a e-mail to the head of the Research Paper

Using our data set from Unit 1, compose a e-mail to the head of the American Intellectual Union, which includes the following - Research Paper Example Qualitative variables are usually measurable, purely mathematical and descriptive in nature. Because of their manipulation on other parameters, they have a greater bearing on the outcome of the results (Earl, 2009). For the purposes of this study, one of the qualitative variables is gender and it is descriptive. Intrinsic and Age variables are the quantitative variables in the study. On matters gender, the study found that job satisfaction is fairly divided between males and females (as shown by the graph). This means there’s no clear trend that creates an indisputable relationship between job satisfaction and gender. So we also suport the argument that gender in no way influences job satisfaction in an organization. This can be infered from the graph below and from the data whereby despite the skewness was found to be -1.41623 and as such showing that the job satisfaction tends to be skewed towards the men gender, the overall picture shows no relationship between gender and job satisfaction. From the same study, the graphical outlay confirms that job satisfaction varies in a random fashion. Most people receive their job satisfaction from the intrinsic rewards derived confirming the earlier assertion that intrinsic rewards are strong determinants of job satisfaction in any organisation. This can be shown in the graph

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Telecommunication in Health Care Research Paper

Telecommunication in Health Care - Research Paper Example The use of free space to transmit this information from the transmitter to the receiver is called wireless communication. However, the communication industry has developed to take place to more than two people. This editorial looks at the telecommunication industry in the nursing sector, the advantages, disadvantages, and importance of telecommunication in health care. According to Antai-Otong (2007), telecommunication has over the years developed to be part of the health industry. In the recent years, telecommunications have advanced to the extent that cinematographic and digital data can be conveyed to and from faraway locations around the world. It involves taking care of medical patients by giving them the required medical care in order to recover. In most cases, the nurses are nondependent health professionals and follow recommendations given by doctors. However, they both use given medical equipment to provide these essential services. One of the most used equipment is the tele metry monitoring. This involves the monitoring and analyzing of data, which is received from a long distance. It also encompasses monitoring the heart activities of patients in hospitals. In addition, Telemetry  monitoring is also used to the manner in which info is received from spacecraft and orbiting satellites. Telemetry  monitoring functions the same way as cardiac monitoring with the exception being that the patient is close-fitted with a transmitter that sends the information to the hospital area in which the  telemetry  monitoring occurs. The use of telemonitoring in hospitals has various advantages as well as disadvantages in the medical sector. One of the main advantages is that it allows the patients to get around and move around the hospital but within the transmitters range (Mastrian, 2011). This is more advantageous to patients that are confined to hospital beds and allows the gadget to monitor their heart activities while making movements. However, this techni que is faced by certain controversies and most health professionals are against its use. One of the main reasons is that the gadget is often overused. However, the use of telemonitoring technique has been of high value to some patients mainly those undergoing a somatic  rehabilitation process. This is because it allows patients whose recovery relies on movement to follow that recovery efficiently, without their medical doctors partaking to give up the aptitude to monitor their heart. Ball (2010) notes that telecommunication in the nursing sector has various advantages as well as disadvantages. One of the advantages is that electronic communication has been an advantage to nurses across the world through lending them the privilege to communicate to patients, which enable them to identify the real course of the patient’s problem. In addition, it enables quick diagnose of the patients problem thus saving time for the nurse and the patient.  Moreover, telecommunication has en abled quick response of the nurses to the patients in the emergency segments of hospitals such as the ambulance response unit. In addition, the modern health equipment has been of great advantage to nurses since they are able to track down the medical records of patients in hospitals. This has been facilitated by the proper and modernized health keeping records that is recommended by the federal government. This in turn enables the nurses to identify the right medication of patients and identify various side

Thin Layer Chromatography of lipids Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Thin Layer Chromatography of lipids - Assignment Example The material will dissolve in the solvent and move up the solvent front. (a) A Rf of 1 implies that the compound moved the same distance as the hexane solvent. Therefore, the analyzed compound was highly non-polar because it travelled the same distance as hexane, which is a non-polar solvent. (b) Ethyl acetate is a polar solvent. Mixing it with hexane will reduce the hydrophobic nature of hexane (Nollet & Toldra, 2012). Consequently, the Rf value of the same compound will reduce since it will not fully dissolve in the mixture of hexane and ethyl acetate. The TLC system for phospholipase D reaction will include the enzyme itself, phosphatidylcholine and ethyl acetate as the polar solvent. Phospholipase D will hydrolyze the phosphatidylcholine to phosphatidic acid and choline. Choline is more polar compared to phosphatidic acid; hence, it will move further than the acid. Molybdenum spray will be used to monitor the movement of the separated material. At 2 minute, there is little hydrolysis, which then increases to the sixth minute. Standard phosphatidic will be used as a control in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Telecommunication in Health Care Research Paper

Telecommunication in Health Care - Research Paper Example The use of free space to transmit this information from the transmitter to the receiver is called wireless communication. However, the communication industry has developed to take place to more than two people. This editorial looks at the telecommunication industry in the nursing sector, the advantages, disadvantages, and importance of telecommunication in health care. According to Antai-Otong (2007), telecommunication has over the years developed to be part of the health industry. In the recent years, telecommunications have advanced to the extent that cinematographic and digital data can be conveyed to and from faraway locations around the world. It involves taking care of medical patients by giving them the required medical care in order to recover. In most cases, the nurses are nondependent health professionals and follow recommendations given by doctors. However, they both use given medical equipment to provide these essential services. One of the most used equipment is the tele metry monitoring. This involves the monitoring and analyzing of data, which is received from a long distance. It also encompasses monitoring the heart activities of patients in hospitals. In addition, Telemetry  monitoring is also used to the manner in which info is received from spacecraft and orbiting satellites. Telemetry  monitoring functions the same way as cardiac monitoring with the exception being that the patient is close-fitted with a transmitter that sends the information to the hospital area in which the  telemetry  monitoring occurs. The use of telemonitoring in hospitals has various advantages as well as disadvantages in the medical sector. One of the main advantages is that it allows the patients to get around and move around the hospital but within the transmitters range (Mastrian, 2011). This is more advantageous to patients that are confined to hospital beds and allows the gadget to monitor their heart activities while making movements. However, this techni que is faced by certain controversies and most health professionals are against its use. One of the main reasons is that the gadget is often overused. However, the use of telemonitoring technique has been of high value to some patients mainly those undergoing a somatic  rehabilitation process. This is because it allows patients whose recovery relies on movement to follow that recovery efficiently, without their medical doctors partaking to give up the aptitude to monitor their heart. Ball (2010) notes that telecommunication in the nursing sector has various advantages as well as disadvantages. One of the advantages is that electronic communication has been an advantage to nurses across the world through lending them the privilege to communicate to patients, which enable them to identify the real course of the patient’s problem. In addition, it enables quick diagnose of the patients problem thus saving time for the nurse and the patient.  Moreover, telecommunication has en abled quick response of the nurses to the patients in the emergency segments of hospitals such as the ambulance response unit. In addition, the modern health equipment has been of great advantage to nurses since they are able to track down the medical records of patients in hospitals. This has been facilitated by the proper and modernized health keeping records that is recommended by the federal government. This in turn enables the nurses to identify the right medication of patients and identify various side

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Pollution and the effects on our economy and ways to make it better Research Paper

Pollution and the effects on our economy and ways to make it better - Research Paper Example In most cases, most of these negative implications hit more on the environment since most economic activities will involve the production in waste emitting industries. However, not all pollution may have some positive side as well. As it will be noted in the discussion, in some high levels of pollution, governments may be forced to create awareness on the issue and by so doing; employment will be created as human capital is needed to carry out the awareness campaigns. In this paper, discussion is made on how pollution impacts on various economic aspects, which are; Gross Private Domestic Investment, government spending, net export, employment rates and inflation rates. Pollution is a real crisis, with a lot of negative impacts on the environment, which goes on to stall economies locally, nationally and globally. Various economic activities result to pollution. In each of its diverse forms, it is linked to some particular consumption or production process. For instance, the amount of carbon monoxide released in the air has a definite relationship to the amount of fuel burned by diverse automotive engines; the discharge of polluted water into the streams and lakes can be directly linked to the level of output of the paper, steel, textile as well as all the other water-using industries and its amount is dependent on the technological facet of the particular industry. Description and explanation of the level of output of each sector of a given national economy as per its relationships to the corresponding levels of activities in all the other sectors is well done using input-output analysis (Clapp & Dauvergne 89). Undesirable by-products are linked directly to the network of physical relationships governing the daily operations of the economic system. The technical interdependence between the levels of desirable and undesirable outputs can best be described in terms of the structural coefficients similar to the ones used in

Employee Volunteer Program Essay Example for Free

Employee Volunteer Program Essay Employee volunteer program is a major part of the Corporate Citizenship profile that has become an intrinsic agenda of many successful companies, who understand the value of community service and are ready to contribute their resources in its various forms to such gesture. This is because the importance of employee development is overwhelming: it extends to the company, the employee and the community in which the program is launched. This concept of employee volunteer program describes a situation a company sets a mission statement and proposes goals with a view to contributing to the community in which they live, by getting their employee involved in charity, giving, and community services. These seeming philanthropic activities are targeted at a particular community, usually that which the company serves with its products and services. This agenda is an indispensable program for excellent companies: it is important because it contributes to the Corporate Citizenship Outlook of the company which is promoted among the members of such community. A detailed look at the benefits of the plan has made intelligent company leaders and boards to incorporate it into their company’s mission statement. Really, the importance of corporate social responsibility can not be overemphasized. The benefits are enormous: it is a win-win situation for all. The employees, if well incorporated into the agenda, are strengthened in human relationships, and there is increased employee loyalty. Loyalty is fast promoted when the program recognizes, acknowledges and duly appreciates employee contribution to the company. The company social image is promoted because of such programs. It increases its ability to penetrate the society, and convince it of its products or services; it also makes the organization ‘ a good corporate citizen’. Communities benefit directly from the program: there is associated development. A section of the society is improved through the charity, giving and other forms the program could have taken. Everyone smiles home. And this impact makes the community another marketable centre for the organization, and an extension of its advertising unit. Its benefits outweigh its costs. However, those are also very important as it makes a decision to incorporate such a balanced one: the financial implications are enormous since it is usually a charity parade. This is one of the major costs that the company battles with. It is only with effective communication that employees see the need for it; otherwise, it won’t achieve it set goals. This implies that companies should be ready to create a viable structure for it, fund such and promote it even to the employees that would be involved. Since it is a volunteer, it stands the risk of non-compliance if this structure and communication are not in place. However, employee volunteer program promotes the Company, its employee and the community served. It is a good agenda for a corporate social responsibility.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Importance Of External Business Environment Commerce Essay

The Importance Of External Business Environment Commerce Essay Most firms operate in a very uncertain , volatile and dynamic environment. To remain competitive they need to anticipate changes in their external marketing environment and be prepared to adapt business activities accordingly. Industries need to be prepared and have some outline plans for dealing with different eventualities so that they are less likely to be exposed to loosing business. The external environment of different organizations differ in many ways, but the theme of every organization is to use their current resources and the information or data the have to their advantage and transform it into the required out puts, and this change happens against a background of external influences which are outside the industry and can effect the organization and its activities. The external environment is very complex, dynamic and volatile and unpredictable. But these factors have to be considered for any meaningful analysis of an industry. key determinants :- Political , Economical , Social , Technology , Environment , Legal as few determinants overlap for example the political, social, and economical can be said to socio-economic determinants. swot : analysis strengths weaknesses opportunities and threats The actual strategies being pursued at any time reflect the organizations strategy content, and the important issues are. The ability of the organization to add value in meaningful ways which exploit organizational resources to achieve synergy, also at the same time. Satisfy the needs of the organizations major stake holders. Particularly its share holders and customers. Strategic management involves devising a complete roadmap for capturing and maintaining competitive advantage by determining the broader concepts of mission, goals, and long and short-term objectives; and by defining and managing the more specific details of analysis, decision-making, actions, roles, responsibilities, and timelines needed to do so. A sustainable society is one that meets current environmental, economic, and community needs without compromising those needs in the future. There are three main categories of issues that affect a sustainable society: 1. Environmental issues 2. Economic issues 3. Community issues Today, companies are expected to practice good business ethics by fostering a sustainable society. Environmental issues may be caused by nature or humans. Environmental issues include the following: Changes in the climate, such as global warming Natural disasters, such as hurricanes The alteration of terrain or bodies of water due to natural disasters or development Deterioration of air quality, both outside (such as fumes from motor vehicles and airplanes) and inside (such as toxins released from paint and varnish) The release of hazardous materials from activities such as oil spills and the dumping of hazardous waste. The depletion or deterioration of natural resources, such as farmland, water, trees, and minerals. The displacement of wildlife or depletion of their food sources A company can influence those environmental issues caused by nature through its response and management of the after-effects. For example, a companys financial or emergency response to a hurricane illustrates a companys contribution to an environmental issue in a sustainable society. This is also a good example of an environmental issue that crosses over into a community issue.but by choosing active practices for oil gas or other leading industries which use more fuel and other natural energy resources they can take the following steps to be more eco friendly Use renewable resources, such as bamboo and treated pine timber whenever possible. Plant trees on company property and in the community. Reduce the number of motor vehicles and airplanes to lower emissions and noise pollution. Use recycled and biodegradable materials in product development. Operate facilities during non-peak utility and travel hours. Design products that are recyclable or biodegradable. Use alternative fuel vehicles whenever possible. Develop alternative energies, fuels, and products. Offer financial incentives to employees who travel to work by bicycle, public transportation, and hybrid or electric motor vehicles. Or Offer employees the opportunity to work from home part of the time. Purchase products from companies that employ sustainable packaging. Analysis on the external environment of UK mobile industry : The ideology that defines the boundaries of companies and industries stay unaffected, even if they include diverse implications as technology, boundaries can mainly be focused on the basic service, quality and price. Analysis of the external environment of the UK mobile phone industry key determinants of success . Economic: Due to the affluence of various market segments and consumption patterns of different individuals and direction of the economy in which a firm operates. Each firm must consider economic trends in the segments the effect the industry on both national and international level .government plays a major role in the economy and its activities influence both demand and supply side. The social factors that affect the firm involve beliefs, values, and attitudes, opinions of the persons in the firms external environment as developed from the ecological religious and ethnic conditioning. As the attitudes change among people, so does the demand. Entry of women into the labor market has brought about a profound social change. Technological uses of technology in UK mobile industry is a big factor, and important. Same the technology represent the main technical issues. Same as GPRS, 3G, MULTIMEDIA and many more technical supports for to enjoy people mobile and its technology. In UK there are approx45 million phones in circulation with an estimated 77% of population having at least one mobile phones. UK users alone dispose 15 million mobile phones annually. POLITICAL Political issues helps and improves the legal aspects of UK mobile phone industry is a huge running industry in world. Many companies are the hands of it. Interference of political factor in UK mobile phone industry by the government or judicial have helped the mobile industry to a large amount like the blocking the unwanted sites and making internet browsing safe. The decisions made by the government and political play a key factor in any mobile industry. Political factors define the legal and regulatory issue within the firm and the mangers who formulate the mobile companys strategy. This factors has an influence on two government functions. Supplier function Customer function There are the three factors to determine the external environment of the UK mobile phone industry in key determinants of success. Summary The development improvement and sustainability of an industry are dependent upon the relevant strategic options becoming available and used to the organizations best advantage within that industry. The methods of analysis used in this report are internationally recognized and provide a sound foundation for market and competitor analysis. The following report looks at and assesses the macro and micro environment of the mobile network industry on a domestic and global scale. PESTILE ANALYSIS One variation of PESTLE ANALYSIS has three main elements. The first two are often developed simultaneously with the third done as part of a following review process. 1. EXTERNAL FACTORS- LIST 2. IMPLICATIONS OF EXTERNAL FACTORS- IDENTIFY 3. RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF IMPLICATION OF EXTERNAL FACTORS-DECIDE 1 LIST EXTERNAL FACTORS A DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF FACTORS, Influences or pressure that have identified Implications and impacts, now or in the Future, for the organization is compiled for Each of the PESTLE components: POLITICAL Global, national, regional, local and community trends, changes, events etc. ECONOMIC world, national and local trends, changes, events etc SOCIAL Developments in society- culture, behavior, Expectations, composition etc. TECHNOLOGICAL Developments: computer hardware, software, other equipment, material, products and Processes etc. LEGAL Word/ EU/ National legislation changes, Prospects etc. ENVIRONMENTAL Global/ EU/ national/ local issues, pressure, Movements etc. Porters 5 Forces: The model of the Five Competitive Forces was developed by Michael E. Porter in his book à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors in 1980.Since that time it has become an important tool for analyzing an organizations industry structure in strategic processes .Porters model is based on the insight that corporate strategy should meet the opportunities and threats in the organizations external environment. Especially, competitive strategy should base on and understanding of industry structures and the way they change. Porter has identified five competitive forces that shape every industry and every market. These forces determine the intensity of competition and hence the profitability and attractiveness of an industry. The objective corporate strategy should be to modify these competitive forces in a way that improves the position of the organization. Porters model supports analysis of the driving forces in an industry. Based on the informa tion derived from the Five Forces Analysis, management can decide how to influence or to exploit particular characteristics of their industry. The Five Competitive Forces are as follows Bargaining Power of Suppliers The suppliers comprises all sources for inputs that are needed in order to provide goods or services. Supplier bargaining power is likely to be high when:  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The market is dominated by a few large suppliers rather than a fragmented source of supply,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  There are no substitutes for the particular input,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The suppliers customers are fragmented, so their bargaining power is low,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The switching costs from one supplier to another are high,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  There is the possibility of the supplier integrating forwards in order to obtain higher prices and margins. This threat is especially high when  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The buying industry has a higher profitability than the supplying industry,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Forward integration provides economies of scale for the supplier,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The buying industry hinders the supplying industry in their development (e.g. reluctance to accept new releases of products),  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The buying industry has low barriers to entry. In such situations, the buying industry often faces a high pressure on margins from their suppliers. The relationship to powerful suppliers can potentially reduce strategic options for the organization.  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The product is undifferentiated and can be replaces by substitutes,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Switching to an alternative product is relatively simple and is not related to high costs,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Customers have low margins and are prices sensitive,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Customers could produce the product themselves,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The product is not of strategically importance for the customer,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The customer knows about the production costs of the product  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  There is the possibility for the customer integrating backwards. Bargaining Power of Customers: The bargaining power of customers determines how much customers can impose pressure on margins and volumes. Customers bargaining power is likely to be high when  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  They buy large volumes, there is a concentration of buyers,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The supplying industry comprises a large number of small operators  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The supplying industry operates with high fixed costs,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  High switching costs for customers  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Legislation and government action Threat of New Entrants: The competition in an industry will be the higher, the easier it is for other companies to enter this industry. In such a situation, new entrants could change major determinants of the market environment (e.g. market shares, prices, customer loyalty) at any time. There is always a latent pressure for reaction and adjustment for existing players in this industry. The threat of new entries will depend on the extent to which there are barriers to entry.  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Economies of scale (minimum size requirements for profitable operations),  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  High initial investments and fixed costs,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Cost advantages of existing players due to experience curve effects of operation with fully depreciated assets,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Brand loyalty of customers  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Protected intellectual property like patents, licenses etc,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Scarcity of important resources, e.g. qualified expert staff  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Access to raw materials is controlled by existing players,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Distribution channels are controlled by existing players,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Existing players have close customer relations, e.g. from long-term service contracts, Threat of Substitutes A threat from substitutes exists if there are alternative products with lower prices of better performance parameters for the same purpose. They could potentially attract a significant proportion of market volume and hence reduce the potential sales volume for existing players. This category also relates to complementary products. Similarly to the threat of new entrants, the treat of substitutes is determined by factors like  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Brand loyalty of customers,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Close customer relationships,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Switching costs for customers,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  The relative price for performance of substitutes,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Current trends. Competitive Rivalry between Existing companys : This force describes the intensity of competition between existing companies in an industry. High competitive pressure results in pressure on prices, margins, and hence, on profitability for every single company in the industry. Competition between existing players is likely to be high when  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  There are many players of about the same size,  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Players have similar strategies  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  There is not much differentiation between players and their products, hence, there is much price competition  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Low market growth rates (growth of a particular company is possible only at the expense of a competitor),  ·Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Barriers for exit are high (e.g. expensive and highly specialized equipment).

Saturday, October 12, 2019

My Views On Education Philosophy Essay -- Education Teaching Philosoph

My Views On Education Philosophy When I first began college I wanted to be an accountant. I had taken accounting class in high school and really enjoyed it. Accounting is finite and rigid in terms of how it is structured. The rules did not change in regards to how you went about learning and applying it. Once you mastered the principles of accounting you would be able to do your assignments in class or your work in the real world proficiently. As I began taking the core accounting classes in my first years of college I noticed that the same reasons that once attracted me to accounting were now acting as a deterrent toward the profession. The finite, rigid nature of accounting was making it mundane, boring, and overall displeasing to study and do the class assignments. I wanted to study a subject that was not mundane, rigid, or boring. A subject that would challenge me to use my analytical mind in order to create my own informed opinions about the world around me. I changed my major to history and it has been one of the best decisions that I have ever made. I love learning about the past, understanding the causes of previous events, what the implications were behind the events, and how the events relate to and influence society of today. This love for learning about history is why I want to be a social studies teacher. Learning and teaching are related to and dependent upon one another. If a person has not learned an adequate amount of knowledge about a particular subject then that person will not be as effective at teaching the subject. People who do not like to study, learn, and keep up with new ideas and theories in their subject will be letting their students down and may not develop into effective ... ...e of Essentialism and Perennialism. Essentialism tries to teach the essential core course of a civilization with a back to the basics approach. This would encapsulate the direct teaching lecture part of my social studies class. The lecture must be teacher centered and learned by the students before they can get into the deep though, the why of history as previously explained. After the lecture has been given and the students understand in general terms what took place then the class will be shifted to the philosophical tendencies of Perennialism. Using the ideas behind Perennialism, I will have my students read the Great Books of the time which relate to the events and ideas that they are studying. For example, after I have lectured on the Enlightenment I would have them read Candide by Voltaire, which illustrates all the aspects of the Enlightenment movement.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Distinguished organization Essay

I have just received your letter awarding me the prestigious Harrison Bankers Club scholarship for this year. I was overwhelmed by the feeling of achievement and happiness, but I must confess, my feeling of deep gratitude for you took better of me. It was the bright Monday morning when I was seriously pondering over my future plans while skimming through the pages of Business Times. Suddenly my eyes were arrested by an advertisement for grant of scholarships by your company. I immediately consulted my father who spoke very high of your organization. I sincerely acknowledge your efforts for taking time to process my application and the wonderful experience I had during the interview. I was impressed by the transparent, methodical and comprehensive procedure undertaken by you to identify the most deserving candidate. Your staff was courteous, friendly and cooperative. What touched me most was your inspiring conversation and intelligent questions you asked. The whole process was a rich learning experience to me. I feel honored and find myself short of words to express my grateful thoughts for your kind approval. Though few and far between, God has placed people like you to make the earth a beautiful place. Your decision will serve in a long way in promoting the cause of research work I have been always been interested in. It was my long cherished dream to contribute to the fast expanding study of biotechnology, but honestly speaking, the financials constraints held me back. Now I consider it my foremost priority to ensure by all means that my work adds further value to your distinguished organization. I again thank you for your favorable consideration and remain grateful ever for the scholarship to help me advance the studies.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Professionalism in Nursing Essay

Abstract Nursing requires not only having the education and compassion of helping others; it requires having a professional outlook. Having and displaying a professional outlook requires you to have the attitude and appearance and the willingness to help others. Professionalism in Nursing Professionalism In order to understand the concept of professionalism, we first need to define the word profession. Webster describes profession as a â€Å"chosen, paid occupation requiring prolonged training and formal qualification.† Professionals therefore can be defined as individuals expected to display competent and skillful behaviors in alignment with their profession. Being professional then is the act of behaving in a manner defined and expected by the chosen profession. This framework for professionalism in nursing began with our early roots with Florence Nightingale who set the bar rather high in regards to giving of herself to others and her expectation of excellence in practice. She was an inventor, a visionary, a missionary and she delivered all with a commitment to passion and love. We as nurses are no different. We bear the tremendous responsibility of upholding the values of our profession. Our core nursing values define the driving force that dictates our beliefs and our behaviors.( Welling RE, Boberg JT. 2010) Nursing as a profession embodies many values inherent in those who pursue nursing careers. When nurses are asked to identify their core values, they are surprisingly consistent throughout the profession globally. They include honesty, responsibility, pursuit of new knowledge, belief in human dignity, equality of all patients and the desire to prevent and alleviate suffering. In other words, all of us as nurses have chosen this profession to help others in need and to improve the quality of life for all. That mantra has not changed since the days of Florence Nightingale.( Welling RE, Boberg JT. 2010) So how does this transfer to the expectations of your practice wherever you interface with patients? Your professionalism will be judged in your personal behaviors and how you present yourself to all those around you, and through those behaviors, you tell the world who you are. Components of your professionalism include your attitude, your appearance and your willingness to help others.(Doukas, D.J 2009) Attitude Attitude is everything! The way you view your world and portray that view to others is everything. I am sure that you all can identify someone in your work environment with a terrible attitude that does their best to make the rest of the staff miserable. Unfortunately, many times they are successful pulling everyone into the puddle with them. People behave like this because they are looking for attention and by sucking everyone else into their drama they get that attention and control the environment. This type of behavior is counter to the expectations of the nursing profession to focus on helping others rather than focusing on our own problems. Personal issues need to be left at home and not taken into the work area. There are always going to be times when we face issues in our lives that threaten our positive outlook. I find it helpful to be grateful for everything I have. I believe that waking up in the morning is the best thing that can happen to me and the rest of the day becomes a gift. My mom told me this story about how she had the opportunity to meet a wonderful lady who lost her daughter to cancer recently. A tremendous lesson for her was to be grateful for every minute she had with her daughter and to convert the â€Å"have to’s† to the â€Å"get to’s.† When her daughter was depressed that she had to go for more chemotherapy, she reframed that to the fact that she â€Å"got to† go for more chemotherapy which kept her alive for much longer. If we begin to be grateful for what we have, our whole outlook on life changes and the way we relate to people becomes more meaningful. Be grateful because you â€Å"get to† be a nurse, you get to pick up your kids from sports, you get to go grocery shopping, you get to wake up in the morning: the list goes on and on.(Cruess, R.L 2006)( Blumenthal D. 2009) Appearance There is no way around the fact that people judge you by your personal appearance. Clean scrubs, neat hair, clean shoes and a well groomed look makes the statement that you care about yourself as a person and therefore have the capacity to care about others. People that look sloppy may be perceived by others as unorganized, lazy, and uncaring. If you do not care about yourself, how can you truly care for others? A little attention to how you look goes a long way to display your professionalism.(Welling, R.N 2010)( Blumenthal D.2009) Willingness to Help Others What has amazed me in nursing since I have been going to different clinical sites for 4 years is the observation that nurses do not necessarily support each other as we should. There needs to be solidarity in our profession, and yet, what I have observed, is a more individualized approach where we, as nurses, are more worried about ourselves than the whole of the profession. This translates into your willingness to help others and to work together as a team, as well as speak positively about your profession whenever you can. Remember, your profession is different than your job. At times we, as nurses, may tend to talk negatively about the nursing profession because we do not like where we work, and that you have control over. There is no question that nursing is a tough profession, both physically and mentally, and that with changes in the economy and the pressures of health care reform, the work environment will become even more challenging. To survive and actually thrive in nursing, we will all need to pull together as a profession and begin by working together at the bedside and being great team players willing to support each other. Something magical happens when we give to others; wonderful things begin to come back to us in far greater ways than what we have originally given.(Inui, T.S 2008) Nurses are the most trusted profession in the world; we have so much to give. Show the world how wonderful we are by always putting your best foot forward not only for yourself, but for all of us in this wonderful profession! Make a difference! References Cruess RL, Cruess SR. Teaching medicine as a profession in the service of healing. Academic Medicine 2006; 72: 941-952. Medical Professionalism in the New Millenium: A Physician Charter. Ann Intern Med 2008;136: 243-246 Inui, T.S. A Flag in the Wind: Educating for Professionalism in Medicine. Assoication of American Medical Colleges 2008 Doukas, D.J. Where is the Virtue in ProfPessionalism. Cambridge Quarterly in Healthcare Ethics. 2009; 12: 147-154. Blumenthal D. Nurses in a wired world: can professionalism survive connectivity? The Milbank Quarterly. 2009;80(3):525-46, iv. Panush RS. Not for sale, not even for rent: just say no. Thoughts about the American College of Rheumatology adopting a code of ethics. The Journal of Rheumatology. 2010 May;29(5):1049-57. Chervenak FA, McCullough LB. Neglected ethical dimensions of the professional liability crisis. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2009 May;190(5):1198-200. Welling RE, Boberg JT. Professionalism: lifelong commitmen t for nurses. Archives of Nurses. 2010 Mar;138(3):262-4; discussion 264.

Analyzing Barnes &

The Barnes & Noble online store – www. bn. com – was launched in March 1997. Among its primary strengths is its offline component – the Barnes & Noble, Inc. which is a leading publisher and retailer involved in selling trade books, mass market paperbacks, children’s books, bargain books, magazines, music and movies. The big inventory of this online channel is largely attributed to its offline counterpart. Another strength that Barnes & Noble. com has is its purchase of SparkNotes. com.This website is considered as the world’s largest educational site which provides access to thousands of study guides on various poems, short stories, novels, and other literary pieces. When Barnes & Noble bought SparksNotes in 2001, the educational site already had six million registered users. This number is continuously increasing and this increase widens the market reach of Barnes & Noble. com. Apart from SparkNotes, Barnes & Noble. com is also affiliated with the Barnes & Noble University.The university offers free courses and its students are potential targets which can be reached through the direct introduction and promotion of the online store and its products. Another advantage of Barnes & Noble. com is its acquisition of an online electronic book retailer – Fictionwise. Fictionwise allows the online store to penetrate the e-book market and effectively compete with Amazon. com (its prime competitor) in distributing digital copies of books and other content. Before, the prime problem of the site was that it was not as user-friendly as Amazon. com.Fortunately, that has been resolved by changing the site’s management team. Now, the major weakness that Barnes & Noble. com has is the fact that it is still not as popular as Amazon. com. When it started its operation in 1997, Amazon was already two years ahead in operation and it has already built a very big market of registered users in its database. In 1999, it was noted that Ba rnes & Noble. com only had 1. 8 million names while Amazon had 8. 4 million. Another weakness is the fact that its product prices are not as competitive with Amazon especially when it comes to e-books.Amazon also has bigger storage capacities for its products and this enables them to provide services and ship their products very quickly. Fortunately, its recent affiliations with SparkNotes and Fictionwise pose many opportunities. Barnes & Noble. com management speculates that Fictionwise can help the company significantly reduce its marketing price in e-books. Moreover, the acquisition of SparkNotes increases the market database of Barnes & Noble. com by millions. The company can also utilize its nationwide stores as marketing venues which already have access to millions of Barnes & Noble customers.It can also foster affiliations with other online companies in order to expand its market reach and increase probabilities for future innovations. As for the threats, Barnes & Noble still faces challenges from Amazon. com, as well as other book sellers which adapted the Amazon concept of online retail. This includes Blackwell Synergy, Books-A-Million, and Powell’s Books. If these companies would merge to launch a new online library and book retailer, Barnes & Noble. com might have suffer from fierce competition. A leader in the industryBarnes & Noble. com is considered as a leader in the online bookselling as it offers a wide selection of in-stock inventory – three million from the company’s online catalogue and another thirty million listings from other book dealers of in-print books which may be new, rare, used, or out-of print. In addition to that, the website is also leading in the electronic books and publishing industry. The site has almost 5,000 e-book titles which can be purchased and readily downloaded from the site to any personal computer, laptop, or pocket PC.With its rapid expansion and tie-up with various online companies, Barnes & Noble predicts that it won’t be long before their site would offer digital companies of all of the company’s book titles. Barnes & Noble. com is also leading in the music commerce. Recently, Forbes. com voted the website as the No. 1 music site. The music store of Barnes & Noble. com has been credited for offering not just great music of jazz, world music or Broadway. Instead, it also achieved recognition for its extensive and interesting editorial features for people who want to know more about the music that they are buying.Barnes & Noble. com’s success is best demonstrated in its revenues. Based on the company records, the sales of this online channel have steadily increased in the past few years. In 2006, its sales reached $433 million for the full year. In 2007, the sales were up to $477 million for the full year – exhibiting about 13. 4% increase as compared to 2006. The revenue model of the E-commerce site Barnes & Noble. com is patterned after Am azon. com’s web catalog revenue model. Like other booksellers, Barnes & get their revenues when customers choose from the on-site product catalogs and buy through the site. The orders can be placed and paid through the automated ordering forms and â€Å"shopping cart† of the website. What’s good about this model is the fact that it acts as an online extension of the company’s nationwide stores for its in-print products. Since the model is implemented at an online level, the revenue generation becomes more effective as potential customers can access the site, view their choices, and buy products anytime that they want to.Although there are other methods of earning which Barnes & Noble. com can use (i. e. advertising through editorial content and ad spaces), such must be utilized only at a minimal level in order to avoid comprising the site’s book selling and promotion process. Marketing on the web Barnes & Noble. com tries aims to appeal t o the general audience. To attract the target market and maintain a great share of loyal customers, the company employs various promotional methods – both offline and online. Offline, www. is introduced through the stores of Barnes & Noble. It is also popularized through the Barnes & Noble Membership Program which offers incentives to shoppers of the company’s products online and offline. The most beneficial incentive is the discounts which range from ten to ninety percent. The marketing campaign of Barnes & Noble. com is a lot more aggressive. Foremost of these is the promotional mailing. The online book retailer attempts to pitch various book clubs including the 5. 5 million members of the Bertlesmann.In addition to that, they have linked their physical stores to their site. Included in their previous strategy was to provide incentives for customers who give away their e-mail addresses to them. Through their university, Barnes & Noble gains access to the e-mai l addresses of students as well. The e-mails are then supplied with promotional offers, flyers, brochures, newsletters and product catalogs. In addition to this, the online book seller is promoted through advertorials and advertisements in Yahoo. In 2000, Barnes & initiated a partnership with Yahoo. As a result, the site became the premier book seller that is featured in the Yahoo directory. The site was also the featured merchant on Yahoo Shopping. Moreover, graphic links of Barnes & Noble. com were presented in every search result page and in all the book category pages of Yahoo. Conclusion Barnes & Noble. com has achieved its position as a leading online bookseller through its successful acquisition, affiliations and merging with other online companies such as Yahoo, SparkNotes, Spinway, and FictionWise.Moreover, a great part of its success must also be attributed to the fact that it has a big inventory of books (in-print and e-books), magazines, and CDs and DVDs of var ious music and movies. The online book seller also has an efficient marketing campaign – online and offline – through Yahoo. com, Barnes & Noble physical stores, and through its aggressive promotional mailings distributed primarily via book clubs and the Barnes & Noble University. Barnes & Noble. com’s success is best demonstrated in its continuously increasing revenues for the past few years.Furthermore, this success is seen in its rapid expansion and continuously increasing inventory. To keep up with this success and the fierce competition with Amazon. com, the online company should make sure that it can keep up with the new innovations in marketing, new methods in presenting online product catalogs, and more efficient processes in shipping their products. It should also increase its inventory storage capacity through the acquisition of more warehouses. References: Barnes & Noble (2008). Barnes & Noble Press Release: Barnes & Noble Reports 2007 Year-End Sales, Released 03-03-2008.Retrieved 03-15-2009 from http://www. barnesandnobleinc. com/newsroom/press_releases_list. html Danielle Belopotosky (2009). E-Book Seller Fictionwise Bought by Barnes & Noble. Published 03-05-2009 in New York Times Online. Retrieved 03-15-2009 from http://gadgetwise. blogs. nytimes. com/2009/03/05/e-book-seller-fictionwise-bought-buy-barnes-noble/ Gale Group (2007). Barnes & Noble Reports Preliminary 2006 Results: Issues First Quarter 2007 Guidance. Published 03-22-2007 in Business Wire, The Free Library. Retrieved 03-15-2009 from http://www. Larry Light (1999). Barnes & Noble's New Battle Plan for the Cyberbook War. Published 07-07-1999 in Business Week Online. Retrieved 03-15-2009 from http://www. businessweek. com/bwdaily/dnflash/july1999/nf90707a. htm Yahoo. (2000). Yahoo Press Release: Barnes & Noble Announces Availability Of Free Unlimited Internet Service CDs At Stores Nationwide, Released October 16, 20 00. Retrieved 03-15-2009 from http://yhoo. client. shareholder. com/releasedetail. cfm? sh_print=yes&releaseid=173692 Barnes & Noble Website: http://www. barnesandnobleinc. com

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Troop withdrawal from Iraq Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Troop withdrawal from Iraq - Research Paper Example Theories must be substantiated. Claims must be empirically verified. Outcomes must be predicted according to the available evidence. The influence of this latter tendency on modern society has long since left the lofty realm of academia and entered into the popular imagination. Everything is knowable, most especially in matters of a political nature. In this same popular imagination, politicians and leaders are expected to make informed and rational decisions prior to taking action. If those actions lead to disastrous results (of any kind: social, political, economical etc.) they are often investigated as to the poor decisions which brought them about. Hardly ever would a politician attribute his/her failure to â€Å"chance† or â€Å"randomness.† This would appear weak and indecisive. This general area of discussion finds a most appropriate expression in the case of America’s invasion and ongoing occupation of Iraq. As students we are as interested, frustrated, a nd connected to the war in Iraq as anyone else. Since Barack Obama was elected president, the question of an American withdrawal from Iraq has become a pressing and even urgent one for many of those voters who put him into office. The ultimate decision will neither be easy nor simple. A time table is a tricky thing to set for troop withdrawal from Iraq, because of unforeseen and external forces. In his renowned scholarly article entitled â€Å"The Unanticipated Consequences of Purposive Social Action†, the sociologist Robert Merton seeks to demonstrate that a given social or political decision and ensuing action by an elected leader can often end in not only a failure to yield the desired outcome but can also result in an outcome which is antithetical the original goal(s). Merton contextualizes this claim as one which has been expressed by various thinkers in a wide array of disciplines throughout history.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Preparing fast and healthy meals on the go Essay

Preparing fast and healthy meals on the go - Essay Example Likewise, eating even a hurried breakfast or other meals could also cannot give the full complement of nutrients to the body, with the energy draining out later in the day. In addition, skipping meals or having hurried meals could also lead to binge eating, as missed breakfast could lead to heavy lunch or even dinner to overcome the tiredness. â€Å"Youll either overdo your evening meal, taking in too many calories because youre famished, or youll run low on energy and patience, since your body isnt adequately fueled to manage a busy schedule.† (Ehrensberger, 2009). Thus, it is clear that fast paced life and inability to have food at appropriate times and in apt quantities could lead to major short-term as well as long-term problems, thus being a ‘recipe’ for nutritional disaster. â€Å"If your normal busy-day routine is to skip meals or just grab an empty-calorie snack, sooner or later youre sure to collide with nutrition disaster.† (Ehrensberger, 2009). Chances of ‘disaster’ can be averted or even minimized if one starts to prepare and quick and healthy meals on the go, which can provide the ‘fuel’ to keep on going, as well as fulfill the needed nutrients. Preparing fast and healthy meals particularly the breakfast on the go will go a long way in providing the necessary energy for the day. So, individuals living in the fast lane or husbands and wives who both have tight professional commitments, can try out various fast and healthy meals, instead of skipping the meals or consuming hurried ready-to-eat high calorie foods. There are sizable numbers of fast and healthy meals, which apart from providing the needed energy and nutrition, can surely satisfy their palates. People always go for tasty foods, more than healthy ones, and so these quick and healthy meals have to be tastier. One of the steps that can be taken to prepare fast and healthy meals is to buy and stock key healthy foods. â€Å"Pre-cut veggies, purchased hard boiled eggs, individual cartons

Monday, October 7, 2019

Liberalism (liberties, human rights, and free trade) Research Paper

Liberalism (liberties, human rights, and free trade) - Research Paper Example Liberty of conscience and freedom of worship. Freedom of speech. Freedom to collaborate or not to collaborate. Individual freedom, guaranteed by the justice, law and administrative body. No gender discrimination. The opportunity to have the varied and full education irrespective of birth. Security from the unfavorable issues such as unemployment, old age, disability and sickness. Free choice of the consumers and to rap the opportunity of productivity of industry and soil. Civil and political rights can only be realized where the right of security and subsistence are recognized. Reorganizations The need to promote and protect the rights of religious, national and ethnic and linguistic minorities. Need to establish and practice a culture that overcomes the issue of discrimination among the people of several groups. Need to abolish the regulations and laws regarding the discrimination. Support and defend the activities of the individuals who have fought with the society in order to get personal freedom and fight for civil liberties and human rights. Free Trade The potential of the free trade is to bring strength and empower in the human being to increase the standard of live in the globe (Huntington, 1993). Free trade in the modern age generally entails the following. Free flow of staffs and employees. Deregulation and liberalization of the economy. End to private and state monopolies. Rule of law and property rights. Human creativity and private initiative of environment conducive. Currency wars and trade disputes. Inter communal violence, political instability, war and dictatorship. Corruption and weakness of government. The modern liberalism has highlighted that; the free trade must be controlled and guided by certain regulations and rules that are... Liberalism is a dominant political ideology. Liberalism is known as the response to the urbanization and industrial revolution in the 19th century. Liberalism was occurred in America and Europe. Classical liberalism was constructed on the basis of the ideas in the 18th century. Liberties, human rights and free trade are the three major aspects of liberalism. In order to discuss every single aspect of the modern liberalism, it is necessary to highlight theme resolution of free trade and human rights. Human rights and Free trade theme was constructed in the year 2011 by the manila Congress that discusses the integrity of the system of free trade and human rights. Human rights are the fundamental and universal rights that determine the virtue of humanity of the human beings. This right has not constructed on the basis of nationality, religion, culture, race, citizenship, social class, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation. Human rights and the policies related to the welfare of human being and society need to be exist in every community. This process will help the globe to bring the equality among the several groups of individuals in this modern civilization era. The fundamental conditions and rights are mentioned in the document of international founding. The modern liberalism has highlighted that; the free trade must be controlled and guided by certain regulations and rules that are enforced by the accountability foundations at the national, regional and international levels. It recognizes and understands the effectively and the importance of the free trade recall with several effective public policies in order to sustain the development and overcome the reasons and issues related poverty in the society.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

The Safety of Recovery Personnel and Rescue Workers Essay

The Safety of Recovery Personnel and Rescue Workers - Essay Example Such feedbacks must be forwarded and processed by the appropriate supervisors and personnel who are in charge of monitoring end results (SLAC 2009). A worksite analysis must be done and should be the preliminary step in determining what jobs and workstations are the impending sources of the problems. In the worksite analysis, exposures, problem tasks, and risks are evaluated and identified (Herman et al 1998). A valuable worksite analysis is comprised of all the jobs and work activities needed in the whole operation. As an industrial hygienist, I would personally recommend adequate inspection, research, and examination on how a certain physical or chemical hazard at the job site can affect the workers’ health before actually letting them enter the work zone; since this is part and parcel of the worksite analysis phase. The result of which will be given appropriate remedial or corrective action (Herman et al 1998). The recognition and control of hazards is relative to the utilization of environmental monitoring and methodical appraisal of hazards in order to detect the range of risks they pose that pertains to the employment of engineering and work practice controls along with other methods to contain any potential hazards, which workers may be exposed to (Herman et al 1998). The appraisal and identification of work hazards including traumas and tensions which are grounds for sickness, impaired health and creates a certain degree of discomfort to workers by way of having contact with chemicals, physical, ergonomic and biological factors is done essentially to recognize said potential conditions and eradicate or manage them through the application of any suitable corrective measures (Herman et al 1998). To decrease the adverse health hazards which employees or workers are exposed to, engineering controls must be modified and put into operation.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 11

Strategic Management - Essay Example On the other hand there are also those approaches that are conceptual in nature such as policy, stakeholder, issue management, and adaptive approaches. The process of strategy implementation can be divided into various phases: understand history, explore the situation, uncover issues, identify strategy, assess feasibility, and implement strategic change. Finally the differences in strategic management between private and public sector organizations can be mapped along three dimensions: value generation, resource allocation, and accountability and trust. A strategy is a mechanism through which an entity differentiates itself in a competitive arena. In nearly every industry and sector today, strategy has become essential to staying in business. In the past, a business could sustain itself with a fairly static mission and customer base. Today’s marketplace is larger and more competitive with a better educated customer base. Moreover it is constantly changing at an ever increasing speed. These conditions require business leaders to constantly adjust their strategies to remain competitive in the marketplace. Strategic management is the â€Å"formulation and implementation of strategic plans and the orchestration and carrying out of strategic activities of vital concern to the total organization† (Koteen, 1997, p. 24). Strategic management is based on the following three characteristics: Strategic management is a dynamic process in which strategies are aligned to enhance performance and procure desired business results. Strategic management is a continuous activity in which the strategic direction of the organization is determined and subsequently maintained. Strategic management involves regular decision making on a daily basis to deal with constantly changing situations and a challenging environment. Strategic management is the most popular form of